
The Association of Institutes of Serbia was founded in 1990, as successor of the Permanent Conference of Scientific and Research Organizations, established in 1977. In accordance with the Law on Science and Research, the Association plays a prominent role in science today, as one of the leading entities providing quality of scientific work and development of research. The Association encompasses 68 scientific and R&D institutes in its membership. Pursuant to the Law, the institutes are gathered in the Association in order to achieve common goals, establish cooperation, coordinate procurement and use of equipment, facilities and publications, and maintain relations with universities and international organizations. Within the Association, the institutes analyze and evaluate their results. In order to fulfill its goals, the Association performs various activities. The Association also proposes members of several state bodies relevant to the R&D: The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, The Committee for Accreditation of Research Organizations, The Commission for Acquiring Scientific Titles and The Committee for Ethics in Research.